Method Of Making Sugar Cubes

The production of sugar is the use of crystal size of the appropriate size of the refined sugar, with a small amount of concentrated sugar concentrated solution (or crystal water) mixed into a moisture content of 1.5 to 2.5% of the wet sugar, and then made into a semi-block molding machine, and then dried Machine dry to less than 0.5% moisture, after cooling packaging.
Traditional production methods
The traditional square sugar molding machine compression molding method. The main part of the molding machine is a horizontal cylindrical drum, on its circumferential surface across a number of columns (usually 24 columns) long strip mold, each mold has more than 10 square holes. The drum rotates at a speed of more than 10 revolutions per minute. The sourced sugar is squeezed into the square hole at the top of the drum, and the drum is moved from the center to the outward movement of the indenter to form a box. They are pushed to the bottom position by the indenter out of the hole, unloading on the conveyor belt. This molding method is also known as adant method or hersey method, the prepared side sugar is hard, angular.
Improved production method
In 1970 the Swedish sugar company to study the success of the new manufacturing side of the sugar vibration molding method, also known as ssa method or vibro method. It uses modern consolidation techniques, with high-frequency vibration to consolidate the grain of sugar into a uniform and strong box. The sugar produced by this method has a better gloss (because the grain on the surface will not be crushed), the intergranular pores are uniform, the porosity is higher and the dissolution rate is faster. This type of machine is similar to belt conveyors and runs continuously. It is equipped with 250 special alloy made of surface covered with polytetrafluoroethylene long strip mold, each with 18 square holes. The use of electric vibrators to produce high-frequency vibration of the mold in the horizontal direction, prompting the wet sugar into small squares, and closely gathered and bonded into a box. The vertical vibrations and molds produced by the other vibrator are later discharged to the conveyor belt. After the removal of these molds, after hot water washing and hot air drying, and then re-feed. This method is more suitable for large-scale production.
The square sugar level discharged from the molding machine is placed on a continuously running conveyor belt into the dryer. First with infrared or microwave irradiation, it will be fast and evenly heated, and then hot air drying 5 to 10 minutes, and then use clean air to cool it, and then transported to the packaging. Sugar bag to use a special automatic packaging machine, the first side of the conveyor belt sugar in accordance with the requirements of the package (the box of each side of the number of sugar, such as 25 pieces) grouped with automatic vacuum suction to them together From the flat on the wrapping paper to become a layer, to achieve the required number of layers, it will automatically wrap the wrapping paper, closed, as a box of products. The packaging process is completely free of contact with the product to protect the high quality and angular integrity of the sugar, and the packaging speed is high.
